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see, I love the idea, even though it is done
really often by people..but, the thing is
some of those weren't even that funny...
I understand what you were trying to do but try
and come up with something more than just a
guy flying out a window or a missile or something.
I would have personally done some backfires and
where is the announcer shouting FATALITY!
if it is called Stage Fatalities, the announcer needs to
say that!

NaujZurcLeicam responds:

Not in mortal kombat deception

Kick ass!

nice storyline!
I loved how you depicted the portal and how chaotic
it is on clock day.
Nice character designs too

samUK2005 responds:

W00T! You ROCK!


I liked it a lot, but for some reason it seemed a little lower in quality than the trailer, the punching was good, but the enemies didn't really react to the punches so much as jerking their heads back. That and are they the same Fooh and Ceo from the trailer, cuz they look completely different and I thought the ones from the trailer looked pretty damn cool.
other than that, Awesome, five!

LeafWorthy responds:

check the dates on the submissions

I really expected a lot more.

look, I have to agree with most of the previous reviews.
The sprites themselves really sucked. Did you trace the bitmap of the sprite sheet? If so then next time, click on the background and press delete, that will rid your sprites of the annoying 'aura' as I like to call them. Also, if your sprite sheets are not bitmaps, I would suggest you fix that as that will also cause 'aura' issues, where color blending dosen't let you get rid of it.
That and if you are going to make a sprite battle between two characters, don't just use the same stuff over and over, do something new with the sprites, take part of a slash cycle and use it for a block, or replace Link's bomb with something else, the possibilities are near endless, and if all else fails, draw up something yourself.
Finally, I have to say that the backgrounds sucked completely.
If you cannot draw decent backgrounds, use a tileset from one of the games. And for crying out loud, ZOOM IN SO WE CAN SEE THE SPRITES!
--ps, how can Zelda be Samus if when Zelda was in the window you quite clearly saw Samus in the bush?--

Deano-The-J responds:

The samus in the bush was a decoy, guh! And thanx for the sprite tips. Lol

nice job, that's the makeover pokemon needs

Wow, that was better than I expected.
I like how you used the gameboy color sprites and tilesets
great use of the game's music too

I would like to see a bit more in the way of humor in the sequels though, more than just making fun of names and the concept itself.

Might I suggest making Brock a Pimp?

Chaossal responds:

actually im makin him a pedo.

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